Difference between Natural hair vs Synthetic hair

Natural Hair
Synthetic Hair
With proper care and treatment, it can last for almost 1 year. However, over use of heating tool and chemicals will reduce the lifespan of the hair extension.
With proper care and treatment, it can last for only a few month (1-3 month). However, over use of heating tool and chemicals will reduce the lifespan of the hair extension.
You will need to wash the hair them more frequently like how you would treat your normal hair. You will need to comb them as well to stop them from being tangled.
You will need to give it a little wash, dry, and shake them out. You will need to comb them as well to stop them from being tangled.

It depends on the brand and the kit itself, but it can range from $76 – $400. Natural Hair is much more expensive because of the higher quality and natural look that the hair gives. It is a great investment as it last longer and high quality.
It depends on the brand and the kit itself, synthetic hair usually stay between $50 – $85. It is easy to maintain and produce as well as it does not last very long and it feels like plastic.
It requires more effect to style the hair. All natural hair can be styled and shaped using heated tools as it is heat-friendly. You can also use hair coloring on the hair, however, it might damage the hair as it is already chemically treated.
It is usually comes pre-styled as most synthetic hair cannot use hot tools and hair coloring. It melts away like plastic. I said ‘most’ which means there are some that can, only those in the package that says ‘heat-friendly’ can be heat styled. Using hair coloring will permanently damage the synthetic hair and it is irreversible.